diy auto repair

Need something fixed? DIY!

So, I definitely see the value in using a professional sometimes. Like an auto mechanic or a plumber or electrician.

But, DIY it if you can!

Sometimes you can diagnose and take care of the problem on your own. Taking on a DIY project saves money and sometimes a whole LOT of it! You also learn something new and empowering in the process!

diy auto repair
diy electician tools

The internet is your friend

Is something wrong with your vehicle or an appliance in your home? Maybe your lawn mower is acting up or your computer is having trouble?

There are so many experts online with YouTube channels who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with you for free! 

Yes, this may take some time to research and diagnose the problem, but take some time and narrow down the search.

Learn by watching

YouTube videos are so much better than reading an instruction manual. Being able to watch someone do exactly what you need and hearing their explanations as they go is key!

Pausing or going back, even multiple times, as many times as you need is also a big benefit of these YouTube videos.

There is no one judging you for not understanding when you have to rewind and listen or watch 5 or 6 times!

Things we've repaired

Radiator in minivan
Automatic pool cover
Oven sensor
Ford Taurus fuse box

What about the tools?

Most home repairs can be done with a basic tool set of screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, a hammer, and an assortment of nails and screws.

Auto repairs may require additional tools and depending on the cost of those tools, it may be better to get a mechanic’s help. Consider whether you will need these tools in the future before making the investment.

Routine maintenance

Routine maintenance on vehicles and your home can save you thousands of dollars if done correctly over the life of the item.

Oil changes, tire rotations, filter replacements, and other tasks are minor and easily done at home. 

These tasks can be done on your own time and at your convenience instead of having to figure out the logistics of someone else’s schedule or location.

Have confidence in yourself!

Even if you’ve never attempted anything like this before, you are very capable of learning and making yourself proud!

Focusing on your future self means doing things differently sometimes. This can be something that keeps money in your wallet to be used for something you’re planning for.

Use the money you have saved to book a trip or take a small adventure. You will be super glad you took a leap and tackled a DIY project on your own!

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